

I find parents who project their parenting styles on to others very irritating. Browsing a baby board I came across a working mother struggling with her weekend shifts because she was not able to spend time with her husband and kids. A father of two responded to her saying that her kids would one day resent her for working and that he did not understand how women go to work so they could buy themselves "lavish" unnecessary items.

Ignorance. Sexist. A few other words come to mind.

Every family makes their decision based on what is best for them (working mom, stay at home dad, ect) and struggles to find balance monthly, weekly, daily.

I never have enough time. I do laundry less than I want. I clean less than I want. I do my hair less than I want. I happily trade in ME time for Mickey Mouse Clubhouse & Cheerios. So if you see me at Albertson's or Target and I look less than put together give me a break because not only am I a FULL TIME MOM, I also work full time. So despite my trending messy ponytail on my days off - today (at least) I feel a little balanced.

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