
Lots to UPDATE!

I've been visiting Joann's lately. Lots to do and make for Olivia! Of course it take a while because I can really only work on it when she is sleeping and lets be honest sometimes when she's sleeping I'm sleeping :)
I picked up the cutest letters to paint and put up on her wall. I've been feeling like her walls need some color (TOO much white) and since I can't paint the walls (dumb apartment) I have to improvise!

I also decided to start making her flower clips (for her headbands) myself. You know, before I spend to much money on ebay & etsy buying them from other moms. So I only bought a couple flowers to start (I wasn't sure what I would like or not). I buy the headbands on ebay though. I don't sew or crochet. Turning silk flowers into little clips is super easy and way cheaper! And now Olivia can have flowers in every color :) Check out what I've done so far (not attached to headbands yet..)

Just line an alligator clip with ribbon. Some hot glue and presto!

See what I mean so easy to do it yourself.

I also turned this cute door handle decor Shann bought Olivia into a bow holder. I had to figure out something to do with those bows! I didn't want all my hard work to get squished in a box :)

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